Each of us possesses inherent strengths and inner knowledge about what we need to adapt, survive, and connect. My approaches to therapy engages the limbic system of the brain, which is involved in processing memories and emotions, and brings the whole body into the experience (head, heart, and gut). By creating awareness about what is being experienced in the body while accessing memories, thoughts, and emotions, there is ample research and evidence to support this process creating powerful, long lasting results. This method of engaging the felt sense of the body and our emotions as a primary state of being and then moving into the analytical parts of our mind, is known as "bottom-up" processing. This is in contrast to our day-to-day way of taking in information, known as "top-down" process, in which we start with our logical minds and often disconnect from our emotions and sensations. The reason we often get stuck in unhelpful patterns is because it has become increasingly difficult in our society to connect our minds and our bodies and move the stagnant energy, ruminating thoughts, and cyclical emotions through a flow state and back in to balance. By understanding how the nervous system works, how your early social relationships and environment inform your current relationships, and assessing and challenging your conditioned limiting beliefs, you create possibilities for change in alignment with your values and desires.